Yes. Other agencies have their own requirements, and you should contact those agencies to find out if you are subject to their requirements. You may be subject to payments, registration, reporting, and other requirements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
In addition, you may be subject to registration, reporting, and other requirements by the State Attorneys General offices, State revenue departments, or other agencies of the States in which you operate or sell tobacco products, and you may be liable for State excise and sales taxes.
In certain States, you may also be subject to requirements of the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA), including payments required under that agreement, and you may be subject to additional payments in certain non-MSA States. For more information about MSA and additional payments under MSA or otherwise, contact the office of the Attorney General for the state in which you sell tobacco products.