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Priority Goals

TTB Priority Goal for FY 2024 – 2025:
Timely Access to Tax Refunds on Import Claims

In FY 2023, TTB launched its new CBMA import claim program. Under the new program, importers of alcohol beverage products must now pay the full tax rate at entry and file refund claims with TTB to receive CBMA tax benefits. Timely service is critical to the bottom line for thousands of U.S. importers unaccustomed to waiting for refunds to receive these tax benefits.

At the same time, TTB must ensure proper claims review and enforcement to identify ineligible or fraudulent claims and address the risk of improper payments. TTB is designing its online filing systems with certain data validations to flag potentially fraudulent claims. These validations support timely and accurate specialist reviews and prevent payment on ineligible claims.

To this end, TTB established a bureau priority goal to meet the annual service standard* for 85 percent of import claims and attain an auto-validation rate for import claims of at least 50 percent by September 30, 2025.

This goal aligns with TTB’s efforts to minimize any undue delays in issuing tax refunds that can be detrimental to import businesses while protecting federal revenues.

See Prior TTB Priority Goals.

*Under the new program, TTB aims to issue refunds within 45 days. TTB posts current processing times for tax claims and refunds by claim type each month.



Questions? For questions relating to our strategic plan you may write us at:

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
1310 G Street, NW , Box 12
Washington, DC 20005

Last updated: February 23, 2024
Maintained by: Office of Strategic Planning and Program Evaluation