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Office of Chief Counsel


Chief Counsel

Christina McMahon

Deputy Chief Counsel: Vacant

Assistant Chief Counsel - General Law and Ethics: Robert Atkins

Assistant Chief Counsel - Compliance and Enforcement Division: Michael Renz

Assistant Chief Counsel - Tax and Trade Division: Sandra Bellew


The Chief Counsel provides legal advice to the Administrator, Deputy Administrator, and other officials within TTB. The Chief Counsel is responsible for performing all the legal services connected to the laws under the jurisdiction of TTB and serves as the senior ethics official for TTB. There are three divisions within the Office of the Chief Counsel: Tax and Trade Division, General Law and Ethics Division, and Compliance and Enforcement Division.

What We Do

  • Serve as legal advisor to the Administrator, Deputy Administrator, and other management officials in the Bureau
  • Prepare and review interpretative legal opinions, correspondence, proposed legislation, regulations, rulings, executive orders, closing agreements, and offers in compromise relating to the laws enforced by TTB
  • Represent TTB in administrative adjudications and make recommendations to the Department of Justice regarding civil and criminal cases
  • Participate in meetings, seminars, conferences, and international negotiations relating to the laws affecting and enforced by TTB
  • Provide ethics advice and training to TTB employees


For more information about Counsel, contact us at 202-453-2240, or by email at National Revenue Center.

Please direct correspondence to:

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Chief Counsel, Office of Chief Counsel
1310 G Street, NW, Box 12
Washington, DC 20005

Last reviewed: March 29, 2021
Last updated: March 12, 2025