Yes, TTB's standards of fill apply to cider and all other wine products that contain 7 percent or more alcohol by volume. Producers, importers, and wholesalers are prohibited from selling or shipping, or delivering for sale or shipment, or otherwise introducing in interstate commerce, wine that is not bottled or packed in container sizes that are authorized as a standard of fill. (See 27 CFR 4.70.)
An authorized standard of fill for wine is 355 milliliters (mL), which is the equivalent metric volume of twelve fluid ounces (12 fl. oz.). (See 27 CFR 4.72.) If you sell wine that contains 7 percent or more alcohol by volume in twelve fluid ounce containers, the label must state the net contents as “355 mL.” The statement “355 mL (12 fl. oz.)” also would be acceptable. (See 27 CFR 4.37.)
In addition, wine may be packed in kegs as long as the keg conforms to one of the standards of fill. However, wine packed in containers of 18 liters or more does not need to comply with standards of fill requirements. (See 27 CFR 4.70(b)(2).)
If wine contains less than 7 percent alcohol by volume, the standards of fill in 27 CFR part 4 do not apply.
Updated as of August 2, 2022: This FAQ was updated to reflect regulatory amendments issued under T.D. TTB-165.