The United States is a participant in the World Wine Trade Group (WWTG), a grouping of government and industry representatives from the wine-producing countries of Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Georgia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States, and Uruguay. The WWTG, which was founded in 1998, aims to share information and collaborate on a variety of international issues and endeavors to create new opportunities for wine trade. The participants share the responsibility of chairing the WWTG, with the position rotating on an annual basis.
The Agreement on Mutual Acceptance of Oenological Practices (MAA) was signed in Toronto, Canada in December 2001 by the United States and Canada. Argentina, Australia, Chile, and New Zealand became signatories shortly thereafter, with South Africa following in 2011 and Georgia in 2012. The MAA seeks to facilitate trade in wine by acknowledging differences in oenological practices and ensuring that wine is allowed to be sold in all signatory countries' markets despite these differences. At the same time, it places an emphasis on compliance with the World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations to protect the health and safety of consumers and to prevent deception of consumers. The newest WWTG participant, Uruguay, acceded to the MAA in April 2018.
The MAA seeks to facilitate trade in wine by acknowledging differences in oenological practices and ensuring that wine is allowed to be sold in all signatory countries' markets despite these differences. At the same time, it places an emphasis on compliance with the World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations to protect the health and safety of consumers and to prevent deception of consumers.
After completion of the Agreement on Oenological Practices, the WWTG turned its attention to labeling issues. The Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labeling was initialed on September 20, 2006 and signed on January 23, 2007 in Canberra, Australia, by all participants with the exception of Georgia (which acceded in 2012), South Africa (which acceded in 2011), and Uruguay. With this Agreement, which harmonizes some common labeling requirements, the WWTG seeks to minimize unnecessary trade barriers, and thereby facilitate international trade in wine.
In October 2011, several participants signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Certification Requirements, which aims to reduce barriers to international wine trade and support exporters of wine in each participating country by encouraging the elimination of burdensome requirements and routine certifications of wine products and ingredients.
In March 2013, the WWTG concluded the Protocol to the 2007 Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labeling, which builds on the latter by establishing common parameters for labelling requirements concerning information on alcohol tolerance, variety, vintage, and wine region. In doing so, the Protocol provides for regulatory predictability and coherence across all WWTG markets. As of August 2024, the Protocol is in force for Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Georgia, and New Zealand.
WWTG participants also signed the Arrangement on Information Exchange, Technical Cooperation and Counterfeiting in April 2017. The Arrangement is a nonbinding, MOU-like document under which the participants generally intend to share information about regulatory matters and cooperate to prevent and address counterfeiting.
The WWTG continues its outreach to other wine producing countries to facilitate import and export markets for the wine trade.
Related Links
- World Wine Trade Group (WWTG)
- WWTG Depository Website
- Mutual Acceptance Agreement on Oenological Practices (signed December 2001)
- Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labeling (signed January 2007)
- WWTG Press Release on Signature of the Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labeling (January 2007)
- Memorandum of Understanding on Certification Requirements (signed October 2011)
- Protocol to the 2007 Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labeling (concluded March 2013)
- Arrangement on Information Exchange, Technical Cooperation and Counterfeiting (signed April 2017)
- WWTG Pesticide MRL Matrix (updated August 2013)
Page last reviewed: August 14, 2024
Page last updated: August 14, 2024
Maintained by: International Affairs Division