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We are providing questions and answers to common questions pertaining to alcohol fuel plants (AFPs). The questions and answers are organized into the following groups:

General Unfit for Beverage UseAFP v. DSPTaxes Bonds Registration of Stills
Withdrawing and TransferringRecords and ReportsExportation and WithdrawalCriminal Penalties



What is an Alcohol Fuel Plant (AFP)? [AFP1]

What is fuel alcohol? [AFP2]

What does it mean to make distilled spirits unfit for beverage use? [AFP3]

Are there different AFP sizes? If so, what are they? [AFP4]

What is the difference between fuel alcohol and completely denatured alcohol formula number 20 (CDA 20)? [AFP5]

How long does an AFP permit last, and can an AFP permit be revoked or suspended? [AFP6]


Unfit for Beverage Use


Which materials are authorized for making distilled spirits unfit for beverage use? [AFP7]

How are distilled spirits rendered unfit for beverage use? [AFP8]


Difference between an Alcohol Fuel Plant and a Distilled Spirits Plant (DSP)


What are some of the main differences between an AFP and a DSP? [AFP9]




Are taxes due on fuel alcohol? [AFP10]




Are there bond requirements for AFPs? [AFP11]

Do AFPs of different sizes require bonds of different amounts? [AFP12]

What is the bond amount for a small AFP that does not have production operations? [AFP13]

How do I calculate a sufficient bond for a medium AFP? [AFP14]

How do I calculate a sufficient bond for a large AFP? [AFP15]

What is the point of bonds? Why are they required for medium and large plants? [AFP16]


Registration of Stills


How does an AFP proprietor register a still? [AFP17]

Does an AFP proprietor have to amend his/her permit if he/she relocates the still listed on the permit? [AFP18]


Withdrawing and Transferring


Can distilled spirits that are not rendered unfit for beverage use be legally withdrawn from an AFP? [AFP19]

Can distilled spirits that have not been rendered unfit for beverage use be transferred from an AFP to a DSP or another AFP? If so, how? [AFP20]


Records and Reports


Are there required records and reports for AFPs? [AFP21]


Exportation and Withdrawal


Can distilled spirits produced or received by an AFP be exported? [AFP22]

Can distilled spirits that have not been rendered unfit for beverage use, and that were produced at or received by an AFP, be withdrawn from an AFP for exportation? [AFP23]

Are there any exportation forms for an AFP? [AFP24]

Can distilled spirits that are produced or received by an AFP but not rendered unfit for beverage use be transferred to a DSP and then exported without being rendered unfit for beverage use? [AFP25]


Criminal Penalties


Are there criminal penalties associated with withdrawing distilled spirits from an AFP which have not been rendered unfit for beverage use? [AFP26]






Questions about FAQs? To comment on this page or to suggest a question, please contact the Regulations and Rulings Division using the contact us form or by telephone at 202-453-2265. For other inquiries see our Contact Us.





Page last reviewed: September 13, 2018
Page last updated: September 13, 2018

Last updated: January 17, 2019