General Instructions for the Consolidated Wine Export Certificate:
- TTB recommends that U.S. industry members use the one-page consolidated wine export certificate to export wine to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is a multi-purpose certificate, which can be used as a Certificate of Origin, Certificate of Health/Sanitation and Certificate of Authenticity/Free Sale.
Industry members may download a template of the consolidated certificate here.
- Please fill out the consolidated certificate with all the required information, print out and sign two copies, and submit them to TTB for review (see below for mailing instructions). TTB will stamp approved certificates with the date, a signature, and the TTB seal and return them to the submitter.
When a shipment of wine arrives at a port in the PRC, one copy of the certificate will be submitted to General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) for review and the second copy will be accepted by General Administration of Customs (GAC). To differentiate between the two copies of the certificate submitted to the two PRC government agencies, TTB will place a “For AQSIQ” stamp on one copy of the certificate when it is originally issued.
- Exporters may speed up the processing of their requests by emailing them to exportcertificates@ttb.gov, with the completed certificate requests attached as PDF files. Please note that approved certificates cannot be emailed back to the submitter, as the PRC requires these documents to contain an original TTB signature and TTB seal.
If you would like the certificate returned by express mail, please prepare an overnight bill from the commercial carrier of your choice, including your own billing/account information, and attach it to your email request. Otherwise, TTB will return the certificate through the U.S. Postal Service to the return address indicated on your request.
- Certificates may also be submitted by mail or commercial carrier. For submissions by regular mail, please use the address below:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
International Affairs Division
Attn: Export Certificate Program
1310 G Street NW, Box 12
Washington, DC 20005
For submissions by commercial carriers (e.g., UPS, FedEx), please use the address below:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
International Affairs Division
Attn: Export Certificate Program
1310 G Street NW, Suite 400E
Washington, DC 20005
- Generally, TTB will process certificate requests within one to two business days of receipt. In order to obtain an approved request, the submitter must (a) be permitted by TTB as a producer or wholesaler, (b) complete all required information in a complete, accurate and truthful manner, and (c) have the certificate signed by a person with signing authority on the company’s TTB permit.
Specific Instructions for Filling out the Certificate:
- For wineries which directly export wine to PRC: Please indicate “Same” in all boxes in the Exporter/Wholesaler section.
- For exporters/wholesalers which export wine to PRC: Please provide information in both the Winery/Bottler/Producer section and the Exporter/Wholesaler section.
- In the China Importer/Consignee section, please provide information on the Chinese importer/consignee who will receive the wine.
- In the Description of Wine section, there are five mandatory items (name, brand, origin, net volume, and alcohol content) and three items for use where applicable (varietal or type, vintage, and appellation).
- In the Quantity section, please use the format “# Bottles/Case, # Cases”.
- In the Bottling Date section, date information is required but lot code information is optional.
- In the Signature section, please make sure the person signing the document has signing authority on the company’s TTB permit.