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International Trade Resources for Peru


Labels should include the following information, in Spanish:

  • Name of the product
  • Producer’s name and address
  • Importer’s name, address, phone number and taxpayer identification number/RUC (this information may appear on a separate adhesive label)
  • Sanitary registration number
  • Country of origin
  • Net content
  • Ingredients
  • Lot code number
  • Expiration date (for malt beverages only)
  • Special conservation conditions (if any)

The labeling must comply with the provisions established in INDECOPI’s Peruvian Metrological Standards NMP 001:1995 on packaged products, and Supreme Decree No. 007-98-SA.

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Importers must register all imported food and beverage products (including beverage alcohol) with the Dirección General de Salud Ambiental, or DIGESA, in order to obtain a Sanitary Registration. This registration is valid for a period of 5 years.

DIGESA sanitary registration information is available on the DIGESA website.

Applications must be accompanied by the following:

  • A physical-chemical and microbiological quality analysis to be completed by an authorized laboratory in Peru. A list of authorized labs is available on the DIGESA website.
  • Certificate of Free Sale/Free Trade, which is issued in the U.S. by TTB. For more details, see our Export Documents page.
  • Label(s) to be used for the product. See Labeling Requirements section, above, for further details.
  • Registration receipt of payment (approximately US$75, as of April 2007)

Documents listed above must be accompanied by a Spanish-language translation (as needed).
Please also refer to the Import Procedures section below.

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There are no licensing requirements for alcoholic products.

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The importer or local agent must present the following Customs documentation:

  • Unique Customs Declaration (Declaración Única de Aduanas, or DUA) paid, issued, and filed by a Customs agent
  • Copy of Commercial invoice
  • Bill of lading or airway bill
  • Packing list
  • Proof of insurance (if applicable)
  • Copy of Sanitary/DIGESA Registration (see Required Documents section above for details)

Once the Customs agent has electronically submitted the DUA, Peruvian Customs (or SUNAT, by its Spanish-language acronym) will determine the type of control for the merchandise (according to risk factors). Controls may range from none, where the product being immediately released after payment of duties, to medium, or high controls, including inspection of documentation or physical inspection.

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Industrial alcohol is regulated by various agencies, including the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM), as well as the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), depending on the tariff codes to which they correspond.

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There are no permits required to import processed tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars into Peru. Tobacco leaves and other unprocessed tobacco products require prior approval from SENASA (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria).
Processed tobacco products (and which are sold in packs) are required to be packaged in such a manner that 50% on one of the sides of the packaging must include warning phrases and/or images as laid out in Peru’s regulation implementing Law No. 28705. For details, refer to the Regulation implementing Law No. 28705 (in Spanish only).

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For the most current tariffs and taxes applied to imported products for this country, please visit SUNAT’s English-language website.
You may also contact the export hotline for the U.S. Commerce Department, at 1-800-USA-TRAD(E).

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Dirección General de Salud Ambiental (DIGESA)
Las Amapolas 350, Urbanización San Eugenio
Lince, Lima 14, Peru
Tel: (511) 442-8353
Fax: (511) 422-6404
Web: http://www.digesa.minsa.gob.pe/

U.S. Embassy, Lima
Avenida Encalada, Cuadra 17
Surco, Lima 33, Peru
Tel: (511) 434-3000
Fax: (511) 618-2397
Web: https://pe.usembassy.gov/

Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria (SUNAT)
Av. Gracilazo de la Vega 1472
Lima, Peru
Tel: (511) 315-3300
Fax: (511) 315-3318
Web: http://www.sunat.gob.pe/

Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) Av. La Molina Nº 1915 - Lima 12
La Molina, Lima - Peru Tel: (511) 313-3300
Fax: (511) 340-1486
Web: http://www.senasa.gob.pe/

Embassy of Peru, Washington, D.C.
1700 Massachusetts Ave., NW,
Washington D.C. 20036
Tel: (202) 833-9860
Fax: (202) 659-8124
Web: http://www.peruvianembassy.us/

Calle de la Prosa 138
San Borja, Lima, Peru
Tel: (511) 224-7800 or 7777
Fax: (511) 224-0348
Web: https://www.indecopi.gob.pe/inicio

Ministerio de Energia y Minas (MEM)
Av. Las Artes Sur 260
San Borja - Lima - Perú
Tel: (511) 618-8700
Web: http://www.minem.gob.pe/


The information in this guide was obtained from external sources, including the websites of various governmental agencies and organizations, direct contact with those agencies and organizations, and from Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Attaché reports. Consequently, the accuracy of this information depends upon the accuracy of the sources.

TTB is not responsible for the content of external websites.

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Last updated: January 14, 2022
Maintained by: International Affairs Division