The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is announcing virtual listening sessions to receive input from the public on labeling of wine, distilled spirits, and malt beverages to disclose per-serving alcohol and nutritional information, major food allergens, and/or ingredients.
The Department of the Treasury’s February 2022 report on “Competition in the Markets for Beer, Wine, and Spirits” recommended that TTB revive or initiate rulemaking in these areas. These listening sessions are intended to engage the public, including consumers, public health stakeholders, and industry members of all sizes, and facilitate the public’s ability to provide input to inform rulemaking.
Listening Session Dates
February 28, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time - REGISTRATION CLOSED
February 29, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time - REGISTRATION CLOSED
Topics For Comment
TTB has developed the following list of questions. Background information on these topics can be found in the Federal Register Notice . TTB encourages commenters to explain the rationale behind their comments, and to include any available supporting data and other information, as appropriate.
- Do consumers believe that they are adequately informed by the information currently provided on alcohol beverage labels?
- Is alcohol content per serving, and nutritional information (such as calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat) per serving important for consumers in deciding whether to purchase or consume a particular alcohol beverage? Would a full list of ingredients, and/or major food allergens, be important information for consumers in making their purchasing or consumption decisions? In what ways would this information be useful, and in what ways could it be misleading? Is some of this information more important than others?
- What types of per-serving nutritional information, such as calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat, should be included?
- Would requiring this information on labels be expected to increase the cost of the products and, if so, by how much? To what extent are businesses already following voluntary guidelines for this information? Are there alternative ways of providing the information, for example by allowing information to be provided through a website using a quick response code (QR code) or website address on the label?
- How would any new mandatory labeling requirements particularly affect small businesses and new businesses entering the marketplace?
Submitting Written Comments
The public may also submit comments as an individual or on behalf of a business or other organization to TTB in response to this notice and view any comments TTB receives on it within Docket No. TTB–2024–0002, as posted at https://www.regulations.gov. Alternatively, you may submit comments via postal mail to the Director, Regulations and Ruling Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street, NW., Box 12, Washington, DC 20005. Any comments must reference Docket No. TTB–2024–0002 and be submitted or postmarked by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, March 29, 2024. You may upload or include attachments with your comment. You do not have to register to speak to submit written comments on this docket.