July 29, 2022 │Regulations and Rulings Division

In response to petitions and industry member requests, TTB is proposing to establish a standard of identity for American single malt whisky.
In Notice No. 213, Proposed Addition of American Single Malt Whisky to the Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits, published in the Federal Register on July 29, 2022, we propose to amend the regulations in 27 CFR part 5 that set forth the standards of identity for distilled spirits to include “American single malt whisky” as a type of whisky that is a distinctive product of the United States.
Under our proposal, to be labeled American single malt whisky, the product must be distilled entirely at one U.S. distillery, and must be mashed, distilled, aged in the United States. The product also must be sourced from a fermented mash of 100% malted barley, at a distillation proof of 160° or less, and stored in oak barrels not exceeding 700 liters. In addition, allowable coloring, flavoring, and blending materials would be permitted.
We are making this proposal in response to petitions and comments submitted by several distillers and the American Single Malt Whiskey Commission. We invite comments on this proposal, including on whether the proposed amendment would have an adverse impact on owners of U.S. trademarks and current producers of malt whisky. In addition, we seeking comments on other specific questions listed in Notice No. 213.
To view all documents and comments received related to this notice of proposed rulemaking, see Docket No. TTB–2022–0007 at Regulations.gov. See Notice No. 213 for complete instructions on how and where to comment. To comment electronically, use the Regulations.gov comment form for this proposal.
Comments are due by September 27, 2022.
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