June 10, 2022 │Office of Communications

As part of our continuing efforts to reduce burden on industry members and barriers to entry, we are proposing to modernize the qualification and amendment requirements for Brewer’s Notices.
In Notice No. 212, Modernization of Qualification Requirements for Brewer's Notices, published in the Federal Register on June 8, 2022, we propose deregulatory amendments to our regulations to modernize and streamline the qualification requirements for Brewer’s Notices, which the Internal Revenue Code requires brewers to file before beginning operations. The proposed amendments also relax requirements associated with reporting certain changes to brewery businesses and other notification requirements.
The proposed amendments are the result of evaluation of our qualification requirements and consideration of relevant public comments submitted to the Treasury Department in response to our request for recommendations concerning regulations that can be eliminated, modified, or streamlined to reduce burdens.
To view all documents and comments received related to this notice of proposed rulemaking, see Docket No. TTB–2022–0006 at Regulations.gov. See Notice No. 212 for complete instructions on how and where to comment.
To comment electronically, use the Regulations.gov comment form for this notice.
Comments are due by August 8, 2022.
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