Posted 02/13/2020 by the Office of Industry and State Outreach
Understanding which alcohol beverages require TTB formula approval or laboratory sample analysis can be confusing. To help the wine industry better understand, we’ve upgraded the Wine/Cider portion of the Which Alcohol Beverages Require Formula Approval online tool.
In the new version of the wine tool you’re guided through a series of questions that lead you to a result based on your responses.
If the result is that a particular wine does not require formula approval you’ll see the green “thumbs up” and you can proceed directly to submitting the labels to TTB (if required).

If the answer is that a particular wine requires formula approval, the result also tells you what class/type to select when you apply via Formulas Online.

A handful of wines require both formula approval and laboratory sample analysis. That result provides a link to online guidance that further explains that process.

FACT: One of the top reasons we have to return label applications for correction is that formula approval should have been obtained before applying for label approval.
FACT: One of the top reasons we return formula applications is that formula approval is not needed for that product.
FACT: You can save yourself time and effort by educating yourself about when formula approval is required by TTB by using the Which Alcohol Beverages Require Formula Approval online tool now!