Note: This page contains instructions and screenshots so you can see what to expect when using Permits Online, our online method of applying for a TTB permit, registration, or notice.
File this application if you intend to produce beer/malt beverages, or operate a tavern/brewpub on brewery premises.
*Please note: not all questions shown in the screen prints below will appear when you fill out your application. Some questions appear based on the answers you select.
Step 2: Operation description

*If you own the brewery premises, an additional question will appear.

*If you do not own the premises, you will be asked to provide details on who does.

* If you do not own the equipment you will use in the brewery, you will be asked to provide information on who owns the equipment.

*If you select Brewpub you will have to fill out the Brewpub Statement section as well as Brewery Information.

*If you are a member of a controlled group, the above questions will appear.

*If you are alternating an additional question will appear when you select "Yes."
Step 3: Environmental & bond info.

Step 4: Upload required documents

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