Note: This page contains instructions and screenshots so you can see what to expect when using Permits Online, our online method of applying for a TTB permit, registration, or notice.
Use the large blue buttons at the top of each screen to navigate to the main sections of Permits Online.

Use the step indicators to see where you are in any particular application.

You may go back to a previous step by selecting the step indicator, or you may use your browser back button, but be sure you select the "Save and resume later" button before you leave a page, otherwise your entries won't be saved.
Required Fields

The fields that you are required to complete are marked with a red asterisk. You will not be able to proceed to the next step if you do not answer all required fields.
Some fields may only become required based on how you answer previous questions. Likewise, certain fields may not be applicable, and will appear "grayed out," based on your answers to previous questions.
Onscreen Help and System Prompts
You'll find general help and system prompts on many screens throughout Permits Online.
Reading this help before you start a new step can save you time as you make your way through an application.
Help Buttons

Throughout Permits Online you'll find help buttons, which appear as blue question marks inside a circle.
Select these buttons if you are stuck on a field and you are not sure how to answer. The help buttons provide detailed instructions and guidance for most fields and can help you to avoid mistakes while filling out the application.
Submitting an accurate and complete application package will help us process it more quickly.
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