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TTB Public Guidance - Who May Submit Applications Through Permits Online?


July 30, 2018

Who may submit applications to TTB through Permits Online?

While anyone can register for an account in Permits Online, in order to submit either a new or amended application for a TTB-regulated business, you must have legal authority to act on behalf of or sign documents for the business entity for which the application is being submitted. 

Use this chart to determine who may submit applications:

Who May Submit Applications
If the applicant is: The application may be submitted by:
A sole proprietorship
A partnership
  • A partner who has been granted the authority to sign, either by name or by title, by the Partnership Agreement or similar agreement of all the partners
  • A person the partnership has given power of attorney on TTB Form 5000.8 Power of Attorney
A corporation, or limited liability company (LLC)
  • An individual who has signature authority granted by the business documents for the company, for example a corporate officer, or LLC official
  • A person the corporation, association, or LLC has given power of attorney on TTB Form 5000.8 Power of Attorney

Uploading Evidence of Signing Authority

The person who submits an application to TTB through Permits Online must provide, as part of the application package, evidence that they have legal authority to sign documents for the business entity. If you are submitting a new application for a business entity that does not currently hold a TTB permit, registration, or notice, you'll upload the required evidence in the Entity Application, which will be part of your application package.

If you already have signing authority on file with TTB and want to submit a new permit, registration, or notice application for a business entity that already has one, or you wish to amend an existing record, you don't need to upload any additional evidence of signing authority.

If we don't already have evidence that you have signing authority for an existing business entity, we prefer that someone at the business with signing authority file an amendment granting authority before you submit an application. If, however, this is not possible, you may attach documentation of authority in the Entity Application. Use the chart below to see what type of evidence that person must upload in support.

Accepted Evidence of Signing Authority

In order for us verify that the person who submits an application to TTB through Permits Online has legal authority to sign documents for the business entity we require the submission of supporting documentation as evidence.

Use this chart to determine what evidence we will accept:

Accepted Evidence of Signing Authority
If you are: We will accept:
A sole owner
  • No evidence required
An officer in a corporation
An official in a limited liability company (LLC)
A partner in a partnership
  • An excerpt from the partnership agreement granting you authority to sign, either by name or by your title
An employee of a sole proprietorship, corporation, LLC, or partnership, not otherwise addressed above
A third-party, such as outside legal counsel or a consultant


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Permits Online makes it easy for you to electronically apply for and update the permit, registration, or notice you need to operate a TTB-regulated business. Once you have registered to use Permits Online, just log in and follow the instructions and prompts for submitting your application package. There is no fee to apply.




For more information on the permit application process, contact the TTB National Revenue Center (NRC) toll-free at 877-882-3277 / 877-TTB-FAQS or submit an online inquiry. For technical assistance about Permits Online see our TTB Online Help Center.

Tell us what you think. We are always looking for ways to better serve you. Please send us your comments.


Last updated: March 17, 2025
Maintained by: National Revenue Center