As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are requesting comments on 11 existing information collections (forms, and recordkeeping and labeling requirements). We will include any submitted comments in our request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for possible reapproval of the described information collections. As such, all comments are part of the public record. To comment electronically, use the comment form posted with this notice in Docket No. TTB–2024–0003 on the Regulations.gov website. To comment by postal mail, see the instructions in the notice.
See the notice for the complete list of the 11 information collections we are seeking comments on. Among those information collections are:
- Drawback on Distilled Spirits Exports (TTB F 5110.30)
- Distilled Spirits Production Records (TTB REC 5110/01), and Monthly Report of Production Operations (TTB F 5110.40)
- Federal Firearms and Ammunition Quarterly Excise Tax Return (TTB F 5300.26)
- Reports of Removal, Transfer, or Sale of Processed Tobacco (TTB F 5250.2)
Comments on any of the 11 information collections described in this notice are due to TTB by October 7, 2024. Read the Notice and Request for Comments.
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