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Help Improve Our Formula Approval Tool: Volunteer for User Experience Testing!

May 20, 2022 │Office of Industry and State Outreach


We invite you to participate in user experience (UX) testing that will help us to improve a tool designed to answer the question: Do I need TTB formula approval for my distilled spirits product?

  • What would I do? In this activity, you will spend 30 – 45 minutes at your computer answering a series of questions to determine whether you would need a formula for your product (real or fictitious). As you talk through your thought process about what you see on the screen and why you select what you do, a user experience facilitator will take notes on what works well and what should be improved.

  • Who should participate? Anyone who files (or soon plans to file) distilled spirits formula applications.  We are interested in getting feedback from both domestic producers and importers with a wide range of experience levels. 

  • How do I volunteer? If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to Outreach@ttb.gov with the following information:

    • Name
    • Contact Information
    • Business type (domestic producer or importer)
    • Approximate number of distilled spirits formulas that you have filed with TTB


Related information:


Distilled Spirits Laws, Regulations, and Public Guidance

Distilled Spirits Homepage


Last updated: January 20, 2022