In the coming weeks we are launching an updated look and feel for our TTB.gov home page, and a new look for several of our most popular pages at TTB.gov. This new look will continue to provide you with direct access to the information you need; additionally, the new layout will add improved functionality to our pages, making it easier and faster to get to TTB services, policies, and online applications.
We have examined not only how we do business, but also, more importantly, how our industry members do business. With this in mind, we made changes to the TTB.gov home page intended to give you and our current industry members, as well as all new visitors to the site, easy access to clear and accurate information, as well as other vital resources necessary for starting and maintaining a business in a TTB-regulated industry.
This updated look is part of our ongoing effort to provide a website that ensures TTB.gov users can find what they're looking for and are satisfied with their experience at TTB.gov.
Three key enhancements on the updated TTB.gov home page

- New Drop-Down Menu – The new menu offers a selection of TTB services, as well as links to learn Who We Are and What We Do. Also, check out TTB Audiences for a selection of resources tailored for a specific audience, and TTB's Resources for links to general information.

- TTB Regulated Industries – The new look offers easy access to information relating to our top commodity areas – Beverage Alcohol, Nonbeverage Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Ammunition.

- Business Tools – These links are now more prominently displayed at the top-right of the page, and connect you with the tools and resources you need to do business with TTB.

Here are a few more things you'll notice:
- Features – In this section, you will find feature stories about key TTB issues and topics. Our features sit alongside our News and Events section, where you can stay abreast of upcoming events, find our latest industry announcements, or read our newsletters.

- Need Help? – This new, simple search function contains our most popular topics with quick links to get you where you to go – just select a topic and click "GO"!

- Items of Interest –This section gives you instant access to information about our TTB Laboratories, our Enforcement resources, the latest Statistics, and our Frequently Asked Questions.

- Doing Business Online – Use our TTB Online applications to electronically apply for a permit, Certicate of Label Approval/Exemption (COLA), formula approval, search the COLA Public Registry, or file operational reports and tax returns via Pay.gov.

Explore the new look for commodity and TTB Online home pages

- The Key Topics on our updated home pages take you directly to the most requested information for that commodity or TTB Online application.
- Related Information in the right navigation column gives you access to related resources that may be helpful to you.
- Discover our Tools and Guides right below Related Information, for online training modules, reference guides, videos, and other resources to help you through some of the business processes.
- Our Top Questions section provides the answers to the questions you most frequently ask.
- Icons for Online Services, our hub for TTB Online, takes you to our applications for doing business online with TTB, such as permit and labeling approval.
Our updated commodity home pages include helpful resources in the right column of most pages, and quick links to TTB Online applications.
We hope you find our updated TTB.gov pages clean, informative, and easy to navigate. If you experience any problems, please be patient, and feel free to send us your feedback by sending your comments to TTBWebmaster@ttb.gov.