August 7, 2023│Office of Communications

We’ve granted administrative approval for the use of beta glucosidase enzyme preparation as a wine treating material to aid in fining and the removal of off flavors in wine and juice. The amount used must not exceed .363 g/L (36.3 g/hL). We’ve also expanded the authorized use of electrodialysis to now include adjusting the pH of wine and juice.
As a result, wine makers can use these processes and materials, within any limitations specified at Wine and Juice Treating Materials and Processes for Domestic Wine Production, without requesting approval. Note that these administrative approvals apply to wine distributed domestically.
Whether they are approved for use in foreign markets depends upon the rules of the importing countries, so TTB’s administrative approval does not imply acceptability in foreign markets. We grant administrative approvals of wine treating materials pending publication of a notice for public comment on the administrative approval and whether to include the materials and processes in the regulations. Incorporating approvals in the regulations through rulemaking, after the opportunity for public comment, may result in acceptance of the treated wine in certain foreign markets. Those materials and processes that have been approved through rulemaking are set forth in the TTB regulations at 27 CFR 24.246 – 24.248.
For further information on these and any other administrative approvals, you may visit Wine and Juice Treating Materials and Processes for Domestic Wine Production at
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