Posted 03/15/2019
Janet Scalese, Director, ALFD Gracie Joy, Deputy Director, ALFD | TTB's Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division (ALFD) Director Janet Scalese and Deputy Director Gracie Joy recently won the prestigious Gears of Government Award. The award, sponsored by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and General Services Administration (GSA), recognizes individuals and teams across the federal workforce who exemplify the hard work and innovation essential for improving mission results, customer service, and accountable stewardship. The award honors Scalese and Joy’s leadership and ALFD’s hard work and outstanding achievements in using a Congressional set aside of $5 million, combined with strategic policy, process, and technology changes, to bring turnaround times for label and formula approvals down from as high as 75 days for certain filings to less than 10 days at the end of FY 2017, as demand for TTB services expanded in line with rapid and extensive growth in the alcohol industry. Through updated policies, improved systems and streamlined processes, ALFD also achieved its FY 2018 service standard of 15 days for label and formula applications processing, despite unprecedented increases in submissions, with label volume increasing by 15% and formula submissions increasing by 17%. “The leadership and innovation of Janet and Gracie is exactly what TTB and the federal government needs in its employees,” said TTB’s Assistant Administrator for Headquarters Operations Dan Riordan. “We’re proud of these accomplishments and even prouder to call Janet and Gracie our teammates.” The Treasury Department nominated Scalese and Joy to compete for the Gears of Government President’s Award, an award approximately 10-20 Gears of Government Award recipients are granted annually across the federal government. |