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TVDP Video Release

Posted 09/22/2019

On July 7, TTB released Industry Circular 2019-2, which outlines our new temporary voluntary disclosure program (TVDP) for alcohol beverage wholesalers and importers to address unreported changes in control or proprietorship.  In order to help industry members best utilize this program, which will only be available through December 31, 2019, we are releasing some video instructions to help industry members submit their TVDP applications through Permits Online.

Our new videos are:

  • An overview of the key aspects of the newly published Industry Circular
  • How to request Permits Online access
  • Instructions on how to report a change in control using Permits Online
  • Instructions on how to report a change in proprietorship using Permits Online

Please take a look at our new TVDP Video page!



Through December 31, 2019, TTB is offering a temporary voluntary disclosure program (see Industry Circular 2019 - 2) to address the significant number of wholesalers and importers of alcohol beverages who have undergone a change in control (a change in who controls a business) or change in proprietorship (a change in the person or entity that owns a business) but failed to file a new permit application within 30 days of the change, as required by law.

This temporary program provides a streamlined approach that allows eligible wholesalers and importers to simultaneously voluntarily disclose the unreported changes in control or proprietorship and file an application for a new permit while benefiting from the enforcement discretion described in section 6 of Industry Circular 2019-2.

This Temporary Voluntary Disclosure Program is open to industry members who:

  • Hold a TTB permit only as a wholesaler and/or importer of alcohol beverages and no other TTB permit, notice, or registration;
  • Self-identify a change in control or proprietorship and voluntarily disclose it by following the instructions provided in Industry Circular 2019-2; and
  • Submit all required documentation described in Industry Circular 2019-2 no later than December 31, 2019.

Industry members with TTB permits, notices, and registrations other than or in addition to wholesaler and importer permits, while not eligible for this temporary program, are encouraged to use the existing Voluntary Disclosure Program described under Industry Circular 2004-5 to come into compliance regarding unreported changes in control and proprietorship. Industry members who have a compliance issue other than unreported changes related to their permit may report those violations through the existing Voluntary Disclosure Program.

Read Industry Circular 2019 - 2 for the full details regarding this temporary voluntary disclosure program, as well as the instructions for how to submit the required documentation.

PLEASE NOTE that eligible industry members who have already submitted a voluntary disclosure regarding an unreported change in control or proprietorship should also follow the instructions outlined Industry Circular 2019 - 2.





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Page last reviewed: September 22, 2019
Page last updated: September 22, 2019
Maintained by: Office of Communications, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs

Last updated: January 7, 2020