November 28, 2022 │Regulations and Rulings Division
On Monday, November 28, 2022, TTB published two proposed rule documents in the Federal Register, each proposing to establish a new American viticultural area (AVA), or grape growing region. Additionally, we published a proposed rule document to expand the boundary of an established AVA. We are issuing these proposals in response to petitions submitted on behalf of local vineyard owners and vintners. TTB designates viticultural areas to allow vintners to better describe the origin of their wines and to allow consumers to better identify wines they may purchase. The comment period for all three proposed rules closes January 27, 2023.
Red Hills Lake County: In Notice No. 217, TTB proposes to expand the established “Red Hills Lake County” viticultural area in Lake County, California, by approximately 679 acres. The Red Hills Lake County AVA and the proposed expansion area are both located within the established Clear Lake and North Coast viticultural areas. See Docket No. TTB–2022–0012 on the website for all documents related to this proposed rulemaking and to submit a comment.
Winters Highlands: In Notice No. 218, TTB proposes to establish the 7,296-acre “Winters Highlands” viticultural area in portions of Solano and Yolo Counties, California. The proposed Winters Highlands AVA is not located within any established viticultural area. See Docket No. TTB–2022–0013 on the website for all documents related to this proposed rulemaking and to submit a comment.
Wanapum Village: In Notice No. 219, TTB proposes to establish the 2,415-acre “Wanapum Village” viticultural area in Grant County, Washington. The proposed Wanapum Village AVA is located within the established Columbia Valley viticultural area. See Docket No. TTB–2022–0014 on the website for all documents related to this proposed rulemaking and to submit a comment.