TTB publications are available throughout our website and are in the public domain. They may be downloaded and freely distributed; however, proper attribution to the author or source of a work, even if it is in the public domain, is still required to avoid plagiarism.
TTB Newsletter Get the top news of the week and latest updates from our weekly newsletter.
Industry Circulars Read announcements regarding events or TTB policies that affect the regulated industries.
Fact Sheets This page contains TTB Fact Sheets covering frequently requested topics. All Fact Sheets are in PDF file format.
Delegation Orders Most of the authorities of the Administrator contained in the regulations have been delegated to appropriate TTB officers. These TTB officers are specified in TTB Delegation Orders.
Federal Register Documents Listing of documents published in the Federal Register including Treasury Decisions and Notices of Proposed Rulemaking.
Statistics TTB compiles statistical information on the taxes we collect, tax rates, processing time for applications and permits, and other alcohol and tobacco related trends.