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List of Pending American Viticultural Areas Petitions

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The following is a listing of petitions to establish American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) that TTB has accepted as perfected in accordance with Part 9 of TTB regulations. "Accepted as perfected" means that the petition meets the requirements of Part 9, but it is not a guarantee that TTB will proceed with rulemaking.

A petitioned-for AVA will be removed from this list once a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) publishes in the Federal Register, and a rulemaking docket containing a copy of the petition and the NPRM will be available online for public viewing and comment at Regulations.gov. For a listing of AVA-related rulemaking documents that are currently open for public comment, visit our wine rulemaking page.

Copies of petitions and related exhibits for any of the petitioned-for AVAs in the list below are available upon submission of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Get more information on making a FOIA request.

Get more information on submitting a petition to establish a new AVA and our AVA Manual - How to Prepare an American Viticultural Area Petition for further guidance.

AVA NameState(s)CountyPetitionerDate Accepted as Perfected
Sonoma Coast--Dry Creek Valley boundary realignmentCASonomaTyler Klick11/19/2021
Pocket PeakCASonomaPatrick Shabram5/19/2022
Llano UpliftTXBlanco, Burnet, Gillespie, Llano, Mason, McCulloch, San SabaJustin Scheiner10/12/2022
Carmel CoastCAMontereyPatrick Shabram10/18/2022
Kaw ValleyKSAtchison, Brown, Douglas, Jackson, Jefferson,Johnson, Leavenworth, Marshall, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, Riley, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, WashingtonKevin Pogue11/14/2022
Champlain Valley of VermontVTAddison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle, RutlandVermont Grape and Wine Council12/20/2022
Rockpile expansionCASonomaMark Trione12/20/2022
Rancho Santa FeCASan DiegoRancho Santa Fe Vintners & Growers Association1/4/2023
Arroyo Seco expansionCAMontereyPatrick Shabram2/7/2023
Hickory Sands DistrictTXMason, McCulloch, Llano, San SabaTesha Parr Solomon and Dan McLaughlin2/27/2023
Mill Creek-Walla Walla ValleyWAWalla WallaKevin Pogue7/20/2023
Highland ValleyCASan DiegoHighland Valley Wine Country Alliance7/24/2023
Mount St. HelensWAClark, Cowlitz, Lewis, SkamaniaSouthwest Washington Winery Association9/18/2023
Suscol DistrictCANapaPatrick Shabram10/10/2023
Sebastopol HillsCASonomaSebastopol Hills Winegrowers Association2/9/2024
Walla Walla Valley ExpansionWAWalla WallaKevin Pogue3/19/2024
Atlas Peak expansionCANapaAtlas Peak Appellation Association4/2/2024
Freestone-OccidentalCASonomaPatrick Shabram5/31/2024
West TennesseeTNCrockett, Dyer, Fayette , Ginson, Haywood, Lake Lauderdale, Madison, Obion, Shelby, Tipton, WeakleyTennessee Wine and Grape Board Tennessee Department of Agriculture6/21/2024
Greater ZionUTWashingtonC. Mark Bold7/6/2024
Squaw Valley-Miramonte name changeCAFresnoChristine Flannigan7/26/2024
Dell ValleyTXHudspethJustin Scheiner8/13/2024
Mount St. Helena--Lake CountyCALakeAndre Gueziec9/6/2024
Monticello expansionVANelsonJohn and Ruth Saunders9/23/2024
Sonoma Coast expansionCASonomaPatrick Shabram1/6/2025
Collayomi ValleyCALakeAsellus Sonoma, LLC1/6/2025
The DallesORWascoKevin Pogue3/10/2025



For more information about American Viticultural Areas, contact us at 202-453-2175, or use our Regulations and Rulings Division Contact Form.

Last updated: March 11, 2025
Maintained by: Regulations and Rulings Division