The alternate shipping address to the lab is Beltsville. Both cities use the same zip code.
The alternate shipping address to the lab is Beltsville. Both cities use the same zip code.
Laboratory analysis for pre-import approval generally takes 30 days. We then forward the results to the formulation specialists in the Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division (ALFD).
Contact the Legal Instruments Examiner at 240-264-1665 or by email at Submit Inquiry.
If the producer does not provide documents in English please have them translated to English. Then submit the originals and the translation to us. The translation should be signed and dated by the translator.
You must provide the name and address of the flavor manufacturer as well as the TTB (or ATF) number for the flavor. If the flavor manufacturer does not have a TTB number for the flavor, the formula for the flavor must be submitted to TTB's Nonbeverage Products Laboratory electronically through Formulas Online or on TTB Form 5154.1. The alcohol beverage cannot be approved if it contains compounded flavors that do not have TTB numbers and/or has not been evaluated by the Nonbeverage Products Laboratory.
Please note that the flavor formula is proprietary information, and as such, our laboratory can only discuss the status of a formula with the flavor manufacturer.
For additional guidance regarding submitting flavor formulas, please refer to the Drawback Tutorial.
Last reviewed/updated 10/11/2023
No. For products that require laboratory analysis you must first receive a pre-import approval letter from the Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Division ALFD before submitting a label application.
Please refer to Industry Circular 2007-4 for a complete list of products that require laboratory analysis, pre-import letters only, or label applications only.
No. Only importers with current Basic Import Permits can request laboratory analysis. When you receive your Basic Import Permit send a copy of it with your sample submission.
Yes. The bottles do not have to have commercial labels or labels in English. However, please attach a handwritten label with the product name or number the bottles and the corresponding paperwork so the laboratory can identify each product.
Last updated: January 7, 2025