Q: How much sample should I send?
A: For cigar or cigarette products, a minimum of 200 sticks of the finished product should be submitted in unopened consumer packages. Along with the sample, you must submit the following:
- if the consumer packages have not been printed, a detailed graphic representation of the packaging;
- a statement of composition of the filler including the type, geographic origin, treatment, age, and percentage of each tobacco used; and
- for cigar products, a statement of the materials and proportion of each used in the wrapper, and the production process.
For cut, ground, powdered, or leaf tobacco products, a minimum of 100 grams of the finished product must be submitted along with the consumer package or, if the package has not been printed, a detailed graphic representation of the packaging.
Q: How should I send the samples?
A: All sample products must be sealed in airtight bags and must include a cover letter providing contact information, and if possible, the intended use of the product. Samples considered evidence must be sent via express courier.
Q: Where should I send the samples?
A: All samples must be sent to the following address:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Scientific Services Division
ATTN: Tobacco Product Tax Classification
6000 Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1250
**Please note that all shipping and handling costs are the responsibility of the submitter/shipper. If SSD receives an invoice from your company, all submissions will be placed on hold until the invoice has been paid.**
Q. Who should I contact regarding the submission of samples, and the status of samples I've already sent?
A: The Regulations and Rulings Division at (202) 453-2265.
PLEASE NOTE - The laboratory does not analyze tobacco product samples in response to consumer complaints unless associated with a potential counterfeit product. If you have a complaint about a tobacco product you have purchased, you may wish to contact the manufacturer or the store where the product was obtained. If you wish to submit a tobacco product that you believe to be counterfeit, you may contact the Intelligence Division (ID) for guidance on submitting the sample. ID can be reached by telephone at 202-453-2173 or online. If you wish to submit a tobacco product for any reason other than to determine the proper tax classification or to notify TTB of a suspected counterfeit product, please contact the Regulations and Rulings Division, as the noted above, prior to sending the samples.