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Sulfite (Sulphite) Waivers



All wines for sale in the United States that contain 10 or more parts per million (ppm) sulfur dioxide must bear a label stating "Contains Sulfites" (27 CFR 4.32(e)). This labeling requirement allows those people who may have an allergic reaction to sulfur dioxide to be aware of its presence in wines.

The Food and Drug Administration has determined that products that contain less than 10 ppm of sulfites (such as sulfur dioxide) do not have to include this declaration on the label or they can label the product with the statement "contains less than 10 ppm sulfites." These wines require a sulfur dioxide waiver for such labeling.

For sulfite waivers, the application for Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) must include an official laboratory report from a TTB laboratory. A laboratory report for sulfite waivers from a TTB certified chemist does not meet this requirement. The Chemist Certification Program is designed to facilitate exportation of alcohol beverages; chemists are certified to test wines for sulfites significantly above the low 10 ppm level needed for sulfur dioxide waivers. Producers and importers should contact the TTB Beverage Alcohol Laboratory to request a sulfite waiver analysis for submission with their COLA application.

How to Submit Samples for Sulfite Waiver Testing

If you are a producer or importer, you may request a sulfite waiver analysis for wine by submitting the following to our Beverage Alcohol Laboratory:

TTB Beverage Alcohol Laboratory
6000 Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705

  • An official letter from the producer or importer with a request for sulfite waiver analysis. This letter should have the submitter address, phone number and email contact information.
  • The identity of the product being tested.
  • One 750 mL bottle, or container(s) with similar total volume, of the finished wine for testing. The product should be submitted in similar commercial containers as the intended final product.

After receiving all of the above items, the laboratory will complete testing (generally within 15 days from sample receipt) and send an official report to the submitter for inclusion with their application for label approval.



Questions? If you have questions about sulfite waivers, contact the Scientific Services Division. If you're having technical issues with our online applications contact the TTB Help Desk or see the TTB Online Help Center.


Last updated: September 6, 2024
Maintained by: Scientific Services Division