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Permits Online may be used to submit amendments if the original application was processed through Permits Online.

The forms below are provided to you as a convenient way to perform common activities with TTB. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print directions and forms.

Select each item to access instructions and forms for filing information with TTB. To learn more about the wine industry or see the latest news and events visit our main wine page.

Note – There are no forms relating to American Viticultural Areas (AVAs). The petition is in a narrative format. Please see the Wine FAQs W2 and 27 CFR Part 9 as needed.

Form numberTitle of form:
TTB F 5000.8Power of Attorney
TTB Now Accepts this Form Through Permits Online
TTB F 5000.9Personnel Questionnaire - Alcohol and Tobacco Products
TTB F 5000.18Change of Bond (Consent of Surety)
TTB F 5000.24sm

Excise Tax Return Smart Form

TB F 5630.5Special Tax Registration and Return
TTB F 5100.11Withdrawal of Spirits, Specially Denatured Spirits, or Wines for Exportation
TTB F 5100.12Specific Transportation Bond -- Distilled Spirits and Wines Withdrawn for Transportation to Manufacturing Bonded Warehouse -- Class Six
TTB F 5100.18Application for Amended Basic Permit Under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act
TTB F 5100.24Application for Basic Permit Under Federal Alcohol Administration Act
TTB F 5100.31Application for and Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval
TTB F 5100.51Formula and Process for Domestic and Imported Alcohol Beverages
TTB F 5110.67Continuing Transportation Bond -- Distilled Spirits and Wines Withdrawn for Transportation to Manufacturing Bonded Warehouse -- Class Six
TTB F 5120.17sm
Guide to F 5120.17
Report of Wine Premises Operations Smart Form
FOR ACTIVITY ON OR AFTER 01/01/2018 (Click here for activity pre-2018)

File Electronically with Pay.gov
TTB F 5120.20Certificate of Tax Determination - Wine
TTB F 5120.24Drawback on Wine Exported
TTB F 5120.25Application to Establish and Operate Wine Premises
TTB F 5120.29Formula and Process for Wine
TTB F 5120.36Wine Bond
TTB Now Accepts this Form Through Permits Online
TTB F 5120.36iWine Bond Form Instructions
TTB F 5120.36wWine Bond Form Worksheet UNDER REVIEW - updated version to be published shortly
TTB F 5620.8Claim – Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Taxes
Need Help with Form 5620.8? Try our helpful tutorial!




Questions? Please contact a wine expert online or by telephone at 877-882-3277. For more contact information see our wine contacts page.



Last updated: March 5, 2025
Maintained by: National Revenue Center