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Create an Export Certificate

The Electronic Export Certificate System allows exporters to create export certificates for use in satisfying the requirements of various foreign markets.

  1. On the Export Certificate Screen select Create Certificate.



  2. After you select Create certificate, you will be directed to the Export Certificate Request screen.



  3. On this page you will have the option to fill in various information fields that the system will use to generate your certificate.

    Note: You cannot save an export certificate you have started to fill in information for and return to it later. If you navigate away from a certificate before you have completed the request, you will lose all of your progress on that certificate.

    The available fields are:

    1. Certificate type
    2. Exported by
    3. Shipped to
    4. Products

      Note: The system will not be able to generate a certificate unless you complete the Certificate type and Shipped to fields. If you try to submit the form without these fields completed, you will be returned to the Export Certificate Request page with the following error message.

    5. Additional language


    1. Certificate type

      In this field, you may choose the certificate type that will appear at the top of your completed export certificate. Choose Select certificate to open a list of certificate type options.

      Note: Different foreign markets may require different certificate types. Please consult our website before making your selection to help ensure it is right for your intended use. The system will not be able to generate a certificate unless you select a certificate type.



      The available options for certificate type are:

      Certificate of Authenticity
      Certificate of Free sale
      Certificate of Health
      Certificate of Manufacturing Process
      Certificate of Sanitation
      Certificate of Bottling
      Sanitary Statement/Certificate
      Certificate of Origin and Age
      Certificate of Origin
      Certificate of Age

    2. Exported by

      In this field, you may enter information about the entity and/or the specific location responsible for producing and/or exporting any goods associated with this export certificate. Choose Select number to open a list of permits, brewer’s notices, or registries you are authorized as a submitter for. You will only be able to see numbers associated with the entity you selected when you accessed the Electronic Export Certificate System. Once you select a permit, registry or brewer’s notice, myTTB will populate the company and address fields based on information in Permits Online (PONL).

      Note: If the wrong address appears, you will need to amend the address information in PONL. Additionally, you do not need to fill in this information for the system to generate an export certificate, and if you do not fill in this field, this information will not appear on your export certificate.

      Note: By default, after a permit, brewer's notice, or registry number selection is completed, the company and address fields will auto-populate.



    3. Shipped to

      In this field, you may enter information about the destination of the products you are exporting.

      If you do not wish to list a company on the certificate, you may enter N/A, None, or a similar placeholder in the Company, Company address line 1, and City fields, but please note that the system cannot generate a certificate if these fields are left blank. The fields marked optional may be left blank.

      You must include a destination country for the system to generate an export certificate. To do so select the Country field. This will bring up a list of foreign markets for you to select from.

      Note: There are some foreign markets for which this system cannot generate certificates. If you select one of those markets, the system will generate a message indicating this limitation, along with next steps for how you may seek an export certificate for that market. In addition, there are other foreign markets that, although this system will generate a certificate for them, are known to have additional requirements that the certificates this system generates do not meet. If you select one of these markets, the system will generate a warning message with links to TTB’s guidance for its export certificate requirements.



    4. Products

      In this field you may enter descriptions and quantity information pertaining to the products you are exporting.

      For each product you list you may also include the number of cases, the number of containers (i.e., bottle, can, carton, or similar) in each case, and the volume of the containers. To include a unit for the container volume, select Volume unit. This will bring up a list of units for you to select from. Once you have filled out all of the product information fields, select Add product. This will make the information you entered appear in a list as it will appear on the completed certificate.

      To add additional products, enter the product information as before and select Add product. Each additional product you enter information for will appear on the list. You may enter information for as many products as you wish, but the final certificate the system generates may extend to an additional printed page if more than eight products are listed.

      If you find that you have made an error in entering your product information, select Remove to take that product off the list.

      See below for an annotated screen shot of these fields.

      Note: You do not need to enter any product information for the system to generate a certificate. Some foreign markets use export certificates to register exporters, but do not require new certificates to accompany every shipment. Please visit our website for additional information.



    5. Additional language

      In this field, you may type any additional information that you wish to appear on the export certificate. Some countries and markets require specific information to appear on the export certificate. Please visit our website for more details.



  4. Once you have entered all of the information you wish to include. Select Preview certificate.



  5. This will bring you to the Export certificate review page where you will be able to see all the information you entered on the previous page to ensure that it is correct.




  6. If you would like to change the information that will appear on the certificate, select Edit information. This will return you to the Export Certificate Request page (see step 3).



    If you have no corrections, read the Product Certification. If you are prepared to make the certification, select the checkbox next to it. Once you check the product certification box, the Generate certificate button will become active.



  7. Select Generate certificate to create your export certificate. Once generated, your certificate will have a unique number associated with it and will appear in your list of certificates on the Export Certificates main screen.

    Note: Once you generate an export certificate, you will be unable to make any more changes to the information you submitted. If you discover an error after you create an export certificate, you will need to generate a new certificate with the correct information.

Last updated: March 29, 2024