What do you want to do?Apply for a permitApply online or download an application for exporter, importer, or wholesalerImport alcohol beveragesRequirements that must be met to import into the United StatesGet Tax Benefits under the Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA)Learn about changes in the law and how importers and foreign producers can take advantage of CBMA tax benefitsRead TTB's laws and regulationsPublic laws relating to wholesalers and importersFormula Approval with Laboratory Sample Analysis Submit formula approval and lab analysis.Apply for a certificate of label approval (COLA)Get your label approved by TTBImport SakeQualify for an importer to import this productImport samples for trade showsApply for a waiver from labeling requirementsMake changes after qualificationChanges to the previously submitted applicationExport alcohol beverage products Federal export requirements on beverage alcohol productApply for a varianceWhat needs to be submitted and due dates to keep your export documentation on premisesWholesale and ImportResources for those who purchase and sell alcohol at wholesaleGet answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs)Listing of FAQs by topicsCONTACT USFor more information on importing and exporting requirements contact the International Affairs Division at 202-453-2260 or at ttbimport@ttb.gov.