TTB Industry Circulars apply existing statutory or regulatory requirements to a specific circumstance or set of facts, or restate such requirements. An industry circular might also announce a new statutory requirement or discuss corrective actions. Our circulars apply broadly to a number of our industry members.
This page lists industry circulars issued by TTB, ATF, and their predecessor agencies, addressed to members of the alcohol, tobacco, and firearms and ammunition industries.
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Industry Circulars by Year
- Industry Circular 2024-2, Expansion of List of Ingredients Used in the Production of Beer Exempt from Formula Requirements
- TTB Industry Circular 2024-1, Use of Social Media in Advertising of Alcohol Beverages
- TTB Industry Circular 2023-2, Single Taxpayer Rules for Credits and Reduced Rates on Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits Produced in the United States
- TTB Industry Circular 2023-1, Alternate Procedure for Submission of CBMA Importer Claims
- TTB Industry Circular 2022-3, Calculating Tax Rates for Distilled Spirits Eligible for Both Craft Beverage Modernization Act Reduced Tax Rates and Tax Credits for Wine and Flavors Content
- TTB Industry Circular 2022-2, Use of Social Media in Advertising of Alcohol Beverages [Superseded by Industry Circular 2024-1]
- TTB Industry Circular 2022-1, Payment Terms Under Consignment Sales Provisions
- TTB Industry Circular 2020-3, Trade Practice Enforcement During COVID-19 Pandemic
- TTB Industry Circular 2020-2, Tax Payment and Other Filing Due Dates Postponed for Industry Members Affected by COVID-19
- TTB Industry Circular 2020-1, Updates to TTB Guidance 2016-2: Pre-COLA Product Evaluations For Wine Products and TTB Guidance 2017-5: Formula Approval with Laboratory Sample Analysis
- TTB Industry Circular 2019-2, Temporary Voluntary Disclosure Program for Alcohol Beverage Wholesalers and Importers to Address Unreported Changes in Control or Proprietorship [NOTE: This temporary industry circular and its attachments have expired and are no longer valid. For general voluntary disclosure program guidance see TTB Industry Circular 2004–5.]
- TTB Industry Circular 2019-1, Hemp Ingredients in Alcohol Beverage Formulas
- TTB Industry Circular 2018-7, Industry Compliance with Trade Practice Laws and Regulations
- TTB Industry Circular 2018-6, Guidance Regarding Formulas for Certain Alcoholic Beverages
- TTB Industry Circular 2018-5, Single Taxpayer Rules for Credits and Reduced Rates on Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits Produced in the United States [Superseded by Industry Circular 2023-2]
- TTB Industry Circular 2018-4, Calculating Effective Tax Rates for Distilled Spirits Products Containing Eligible Wine and Eligible Flavors, and Obtaining Approval of Standard Effective Tax Rates for Imported Distilled Spirits Products [Superseded by Industry Circular 2022-3]
- TTB Industry Circular 2018-3, Alternation of Premises for Storage of Tax-Determined and Non-Tax Determined Distilled Spirits, Wine, and Beer
- TTB Industry Circular 2018-2, Expansion of Allowable Changes to Approved Alcohol Beverage Labels
- TTB Industry Circular 2018-1A, Alternate Procedure for a Wine Producer to Tax Determine and Tax Pay Wine of Its Production That Is Stored Untaxpaid at a Bonded Wine Cellar (This Circular is SUSPENDED. For information regarding the transfer of wine tax credits, see FAQ TR-W7.)
- TTB Industry Circular 2017-4, Voluntary Beverage Alcohol Recalls
- TTB Industry Circular 2017-3, Pinot Noir from the Languedoc-Roussillon Region of France; Cancellation of Declaration Requirement
- TTB Industry Circular 2017-2, Amendments to the Criteria for the Hard Cider Tax Rate and Information on Other Requirements that Apply to Wine that is Eligible for the Hard Cider Tax Rate
- TTB Industry Circular 2017–1, Levels of Lead in Wine
- TTB Industry Circular 2016–2, Internal Revenue Code Amendments Eliminating Bond Requirements and Adding Annual Tax Return Periods for Eligible Alcohol Taxpayers
- TTB Industry Circular 2016–1, Elimination of Certain Pre-COLA Product Evaluation Requirements (Formulas or Laboratory Analysis) for Certain Alcohol Beverage Products
- TTB Industry Circular 2014–2, Expansion of Allowable Revisions to Approved Alcohol Beverage Labels
- TTB Industry Circular 2014–1, New Argentine Wine Labeling Rules and Certificate of Label Approval Requirements
- TTB Industry Circular 2013–1, Use of Social Media in the Advertising of Alcohol Beverages [Superseded by Industry Circular 2022-2]
- TTB Industry Circular 2012–3, Electronically Processing Paper Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) Applications
- TTB Industry Circular 2012–2, Tie-In Sales - An Unlawful Trade Practice
- TTB Industry Circular 2012–1, Guidance Regarding Industry Members' Participation in Retail Programs
- TTB Industry Circular 2011–4, Streamlining the Certificate of Label Approval Review Process
- TTB Industry Circular 2011–3, Importation of Tobacco Products and Calculating the Tax on Imported Large Cigars
- TTB Industry Circular 2011–2, Application of Alcohol Beverage Advertising Regulations to Television Advertising
- TTB Industry Circular 2011–1, Application of Alcohol Beverage Advertising Regulations to Media Personality Sponsorships
- TTB Industry Circular 2010–8, Alcohol Beverages Containing Added Caffeine
- TTB Industry Circular 2010–7, Changes to Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Method of Payment
- TTB Industry Circular 2010–4, Country of Origin Certification Requirements for Imported Wines and Distilled Spirits
- TTB Industry Circular 2010–3, Brunello di Montalcino Wine
- TTB Industry Circular 2010–2, Unauthorized Pesticide Verification and Enforcement Program for Wine
- TTB Industry Circular 2008–4, Alternating Proprietors at Bonded Wine Premises
- TTB Industry Circular 2008–3, Non-Compliant Flavored Malt Beverages
- TTB Industry Circular 2007–5, Use of the Term Absinthe for Distilled Spirits
- TTB Industry Circular 2007–4, Pre-COLA Product Evaluation [Superseded by Industry Circular 2018-6]
- TTB Industry Circular 2007–2, Certification and Analysis of U.S. Wine for Export to the European Community
- TTB Industry Circular 2007–1, Shortages of Inventoried Packaged Beer
- TTB Industry Circular 2006–3, Standard of Identity for Tequila
- TTB Industry Circular 2006–2, Use of Genetically Modified Materials and Export Implications
- TTB Industry Circular 2006–1, Impact of the U.S. / EU Wine Agreement on Certificates of Label Approval for Wine Labels with a Semi-generic Name or Retsina
- TTB Industry Circular 2005–2, Alternating Proprietors at Brewery Premises
- TTB Industry Circular 2005–1, Updated with Distilled Spirits Operational Reports
- TTB Industry Circular 2004–5, Voluntary Disclosure Program
- TTB Industry Circular 2004–4, Guidelines for Submitting Operational Reports
- TTB Industry Circular 2004–3, Alcohol and Tobacco Export Documentation Procedures
- TTB Industry Circular 2004–3, FAQ's
- TTB Industry Circular 2004–2, Using To Submit Alcohol and Tobacco Excise Tax Returns, Tax Payments, and Operational Reports