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This page contains all Industry Circulars issued by TTB, ATF, and their predecessor agencies, addressed to members of the alcohol, tobacco, and firearms and ammunition industries.
2007 - Industry Circulars
- TTB Industry Circular 2007–5, Use of the Term Absinthe for Distilled Spirits
- TTB Industry Circular 2007–2, Certification and Analysis of U.S. Wine for Export to the European Community
- TTB Industry Circular 2007-1, Shortages of Inventoried Packaged Beer

2006 - Industry Circulars
- TTB Industry Circular 2006-3, Standard of Identity for Tequila
- TTB Industry Circular 2006-2, Use of Genetically Modified Materials and Export Implications
- TTB Industry Circular 2006-1, Impact of the U.S. / EU Wine Agreement on Certificates of Label Approval for Wine Labels with a Semi-generic Name or Retsina

2005 - Industry Circulars
- TTB Industry Circular 2005-2, Alternating Proprietors at Brewery Premises
- TTB Industry Circular 2005-1 - Updated with Distilled Spirits Operational Reports

2004 - Industry Circulars
- TTB Industry Circular 2004-5 - Voluntary Disclosure Program
- TTB Industry Circular 2004-4 - Guidelines for Submitting Operational Reports
- TTB Industry Circular 2004-3 - Alcohol and Tobacco Export Documentation Procedures
- TTB Industry Circular 2004-3 - FAQ's
- TTB Industry Circular 2004-2 - Using To Submit Alcohol and Tobacco Excise Tax Returns, Tax Payments, and Operational Reports

2003 - Industry Circulars
- TTB Industry Circular 2003-1 - Establishment of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
- TTB Industry Circular 2003-2 - Establishment of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
- NOTE: As of February 1, 2012, Industry Circular 2012-2 Regarding Tie-In Sales, has superseded this circular. Industry Circular 2003–3 is no longer valid.
- TTB Industry Circular 2003-4 - Revised Reports for Manufacturers and Export Warehouse Proprietors
- TTB Industry Circular 2003-5 - TTB Form 5100.31, Application for and Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval (COLA)
- TTB Industry Circular 2003-6 - COLAs Online

2002 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 2002-1 - New and Revised Brewery Forms
- Revised Industry Circular 2002-2 - Pre-COLA Product Evaluation
- NOTE: As of September 11, 2007, Industry Circular 2007–4, Pre-COLA Product Evaluation, has superseded this circular. Industry Circular 2002–2 is no longer valid.
- Also note that the agency name, address, and contact information has changed from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).
- Industry Circular 2002-3 - Elimination of Bond Requirement for Users and Dealers of Specially Denatured Spirits

2001 - Industry Circulars

2000 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 2000-1 - Importation of Previously Exported Tobacco Products
- Industry Circular 2000-2 - Exportation of Distilled Spirits, Wine, Beer and Tobacco Products Without Payment of Tax
- Industry Circular 2000-4 - Sale of Certain Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes on or After February 7, 2001

1999 - Industry Circulars

1996 - Industry Circulars

1995 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1995-1 - Diversion of Distilled Spirits for Purposes of Smuggling
- Industry Circular 1995-2 - Athletes, Athletic Activities or Events and Motor Vehicles in Labeling and Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages
- Industry Circular 1995-5 - New Edition of ATF Form 5300.26
- Industry Circular 1995-6, Use of Adjuncts by Brewers

1994 - Industry Circulars

1993 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1993-1 - Transfer of Tax-Free Registration
- Industry Circular 1993-5: Tax-Exempt and Tax-Free Sales of Firearms, Shells and Cartridges
- Industry Circular 1993-11 - Recordkeeping Requirements Imposed by 27 CFR 19.761 and 27 CFR 19.762 Record of Tax Determination
- Industry Circular 1993-12 - Exemption from Mandatory Age Statements for Grappa Brandy (27 C.F.R. 5.40 (b))
- NOTE: Industry Circular was mistakenly labeled "93-9" when issued.

1992 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1992-2 - Bottling of Bulk Imported Beer
- Industry Circular 1992-6 - Increase in Federal Excise Tax on Tobacco Products

1991 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1991-2 - Wine Credit for Small Domestic Producers
- Industry Circular 1991-3 - Large Cigar Taxes On and After January, 1991
- Industry Circular 1991-10 - Non-Alcoholic Malt Beverage Marketing
- Industry Circular 1991-11 - Table Wines Found to Contain Lead

1990 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1990-4 - Increase in Federal Excise Tax on Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, and Imported Perfumes
- Industry Circular 1990-7 - Excise Tax on Firearms and Ammunition

1989 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1989-3 - Formulas for Wines, Distilled Spirits and Flavors Used in Alcohol Beverages
- Industry Circular 1989-5 - Analysis of US Wine and Spirits for Export to Japan

1987 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1987-1 - Procedure for Submission of Samples of Alcoholic Beverages to ATF National Laboratory Center for Testing
- Industry Circular 1987-2 - Depletion Allowance
- Industry Circular 1987-3 - Change in Place of Filing Alcohol, Tobacco and Certain Firearms Tax Returns, Claims and Related Documents
- Industry Circular 1987-6 - Label Disclosure for Brandy Treated with Wood (27 C.F.R. 5.39(c))
- Industry Circular 1987-7 - The Penultimate Paragraph Does Not Apply to Wine Transactions
- Industry Circular 1987-8 - Label Disclosure for Brandy Treated with Wood (27 C.F.R. 5.39(c))

1986 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1986-4 - Gauging Imported Spirits
- Industry Circular 1986-5 - Gray Market (Parallel) Imports
- Industry Circular 1986-14 - Procedure for Obtaining Label Approvals for Imported Liqueurs, Cordials, Flavored Spirits and Distilled Gins
- Industry Circular 1986-16 - Product Displays

1985 - Industry Circulars

1984 - Industry Circulars

1983 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1983-6 - Use of Dissimilar Goods as Free Good
- Industry Circular 1983-8 - Certain ATF Forms are Affected by Withdrawal of Customs Officers from Customs Bonded Installations

1982 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1982-2 - Imported Sake
- Industry Circular 1982-3 - Late Harvest Wine
- Industry Circular 1982-4 - Viticultural Areas
- Industry Circular 1982-12 - Questions and Answers on Unlawful Trade Practices Under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act

1981 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1981-2 - Pricing (Alcohol Pricing Type Transactions Under the FFA Act)
- Industry Circular 1981-10 - Untimely Filing of Excise Tax Returns

1980 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1980-2 - Reporting Wines Produced Under 27 CFR 240.488 on AFT Form 5120.17(702), Monthly Report of Wine Cellar Operations
- Industry Circular 1980-4 - Alternate Approval Procedures for Distinctive Liquor Bottles

1979 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1979-5 - Recordkeeping Requirements for Nonbeverage Domestic Drawback Claimants
- Industry Circular 1979-7 - Distilled Spirits Labels: Labeling Requirements with Respect to Metric Standards of Fill

1978 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1978-2 - Sealing of Conveyances
- Industry Circular 1978-5 - Use of Descriptive Terms on Wine Labels
- Industry Circular 1978-6 - Voluntary Disclosure Policy
- Industry Circular 1978-8 - Wine Labels: Labeling Requirements with Respect to Both Metric Standards of Fill and Statements of Sugar Content for Late Harvest-Type Wines
- Industry Circular 1978-9 - Shipment of Samples for Laboratory Analysis

1977 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1977-8 - Use of Descriptive Terms on Wine Labels
- Industry Circular 1977-14 - Domestic Spirits Transferred to Customs Bonded Warehouse under 26 U.S.C. 5066(a)
- Industry Circular 1977-18 - Ginseng in Alcoholic Beverages
- Industry Circular 1977-23 - Universal Product Codes

1976 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1976-1 - Distinguishing Cigars from Cigarettes
- Industry Circular 1976-4 - Recordkeeping Requirements Pertaining to "Salesman's Samples" or Distilled Spirits
- Industry Circular 1976-7 - Alcoholic Beverage Advertising in Airline Inflight, Hotel Inroom Magazines and Similar Publications
- Industry Circular 1976-14 - Revision of Forms 2056, 2057, 2058, 2059, 2060, 2621
- Industry Circular 1976-18 - Contract Sales to U.S. Military Installations
- Industry Circular 1976-22 - Unexplained Shortages of Bottled Wine
- Industry Circular 1976-28 - Production of New Charred Barrels Utilizing Used Heads

1975 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1975-2 - Approval of Distinctive Liquor Bottles
- Industry Circular 1975-11 - Shortages in Bottled Wine
- Industry Circular 1975-13 - Standard of Identity for Tequila
- Industry Circular 1975-16 - Unlawful Trade Practices at Ballparks, Racetracks and Stadiums
- Industry Circular 1975-20 - Contracts to Purchase Alcoholic Beverages
- Industry Circular 1975-21 - Publication of Administrative Actions Taken by ATF

1973 - Industry Circulars

1972 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1972-8 - Revocation of Authorized Use of Glycine
- Industry Circular 1972-12 - Rectified Products Containing Wine
- Industry Circular 1972-18 - Submission of Evidence of Exportation
- Industry Circular 1972-24 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1972-28 - Revocation of Authorized Use of Diethyl Pyrocarbonate
- Industry Circular 1972-34 - Carbon Dioxide Test Procedures
- Industry Circular 1972-37 - Industry Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations

1971 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1971-3 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1971-7 - Protection of Names of Bourbon Whiskey and Certain French Brandies
- Industry Circular 1971-13 - Submission of Evidence of Exportation
- Industry Circular 1971-17 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1971-18 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries

1970 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1970-6 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft: Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1970-12 - Use of Brominated Vegetable Oils
- Industry Circular 1970-13 - Filing of Export Forms Covering Direct Exportations
- Industry Circular 1970-16 - Determining Wine Gallons of High Solids Spirits
- Industry Circular 1970-18 - Establishment of Standard Export Drawback Rates
- Industry Circular 1970-19 - Substantiating Grape Varietal Names, Vintage Dates, and Appellations of Origins for Wines
- Industry Circular 1970-21 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1970-25 - Establishment of Standard Export Drawback Rates
- Industry Circular 1970-35 - Beer Meters
- Industry Circular 1970-37 - Tax-Exempt Sales of Tobacco Products at International Airports
- Industry Circular 1970-38 - Restrictions on Deliveries of Tax-Exempt Tobacco Products as Ships' Supplies

1969 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1969-16 - Withdrawal Of Liquors For Use On Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1969-23 - Withdrawal Of Liquors For Use On Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries

1968 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1968-2 - Adjusting Entries On Distilled Spirits Tax Returns
- Industry Circular 1968-19 - Withdrawal Of Liquors For Use On Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1968-26 - Modified Procedures Concerning Normal Storage Losses From Packages Of Spirits In Bond
- Industry Circular 1968-35 - Mark On Transferred Cigar And Cigarette Packages

1967 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1967-2 - Costs Includable In Retail Price Of Large Cigars
- Industry Circular 1967-5 - Destruction Of Beer
- Industry Circular 1967-10 - Withdrawal Of Liquors For Use On Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1967-14 - Nonbeverage Wine; Revision of Form 702

1966 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1966-18 - Cigars And Cigarettes For Ration Kits And In-Flight Meals
- Industry Circular 1966-19 - Withdrawal Of Liquors For Use On Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries

1965 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1965-1 - Use Of The Term "Draft Beer" On Labels And In Advertising of Beer
- Industry Circular 1965-4 - Withdrawal Of Permission To Use Color Additive – FD&C Red No. 4
- Industry Circular 1965-8 - Use of Color Additive – FD&C Red No. 4
- Industry Circular 1965-29 - Withdrawal of Liquors For Use On Aircraft; Reciprocating Countries

1964 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1964-17 - Reporting Ordinary And Identifiable Cellar Losses By Proprietors Of Bonded Wine Cellars
- Industry Circular 1964-22 - Removals Of Tobacco Products From Export Warehouses For Foreign Diplomatic Officers Not Authorized

1963 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1963-10 - Use Of Coloring Materials In The Production Of Vermouths, Aperitif Wines, And Other Special Natural Wines
- Industry Circular 1963-22 - Packaging Of A Single Cigar
- Industry Circular 1963-23 - Use of Disparaging Themes Or References In Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Is Prohibited

1962 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1962-13 - Removal Of Tax-Exempt Tobacco Products For Use As Supplies On United States Navy Vessels
- Industry Circular 1962-29 - Tobacco Products Furnished To Employees For Off-Factory Personal Consumption
- Industry Circular 1962-33 - Need For Review Of Approved Formulas Covering Distilled Spirits Products
- Industry Circular 1962-35 - Tobacco Products Withdrawn From The Market

1961 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1961-2 - Use of Safrole, Oil of Sassafras, Dihydrosafrole, and Iso-safrole
- Industry Circular 1961-6 - Withdrawal of Liquors For Use On Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1961-16 - Unlawful Representation Of Still Wine As Effervescent Wine Or As Substitute For Effervescent Wine
- Industry Circular 1961-31 - Mark On Packages Of Tobacco Products
- Industry Circular 1961-36 - Withdrawal Of Liquors For Use On Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1961-43 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1961-45 - Notice On Packages Of Cigars
- Industry Circular 1961-46 - Identification of Manufacturer On Packages Of Tobacco Products

1960 - Industry Circulars

1959 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1959-1 - Mark On Packages of Cigars Taxpaid by Return
- Industry Circular 1959-6 - Marking Packages of Spirits
- Industry Circular 1959-23 - Limitations on Outstanding Powers of Attorney
- Industry Circular 1959-30 - Withdrawal of Liquors For Use on Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1959-47 - Carbon Dioxide Test Procedures
- Industry Circular 1959-49 - Certificates of Origin And Identity For Wines Exported In Bulk From Countries Prior To Shipment To The United States
- Industry Circular 1959-61 - Withdrawal Of Liquors For Use On Aircraft Reciprocating Countries

1958 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1958-1 - Withdrawal of Liquors For Use on Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1958-5 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use On Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1958-10 - RecordKeeping Requirements Applicable to Certain Sales Activities
- Industry Circular 1958-13 - Importation of Samples of Alcoholic Beverages
- Industry Circular 1958-15 - Withdrawal of Liquors For Use On Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1958-23 - Withdrawal of Liquors For Use On Aircraft Reciprocating Countries

1957 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1957-2 - Transfer of Packages of Distilled Spirits in Bond
- Industry Circular 1957-11 - Further Instructions Relative to Receipt of Taxpaid Tobacco Products Into Tobacco Products Factories
- Industry Circular 1957-17 - Statement of Process by Brewers
- Industry Circular 1957-26 - Sampling Bulk Spirits At Time of Gauge for Tax Payment
- Industry Circular 1957-39 - Withdrawal of Liquors For Use On Aircraft Reciprocating Countries

1956 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1956-2 - Storage, Shipment, and Delivery of Tobacco Materials
- Industry Circular 1956-6 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1956-12 - Reports on Forms 52-D and 45 of Products Bottled or Packaged Especially for Export
- Industry Circular 1956-15 - Disposition of Samples of Distilled Spirits
- Industry Circular 1956-31 - Transportation of Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, Denatured Rum, Proprietary Solvents, Lacquer Thinners, Distilled Spirits, Wine, and Beer by Combination Truck-Rail Transfer
- Industry Circular 1956-32 - Use of Coumarin and Tonka Beans in the Production of Special Natural Wines
- Industry Circular 1956-34 - Bottling Distilled Spirits in Bond Under More Than One Trade Name
- Industry Circular 1956-46 - Restrictions Relative to the Printed Matter That May Be Placed on Packages of Tobacco Products

1955 - Industry Circulars
- Industry Circular 1955-6 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft Reciprocating Countries
- Industry Circular 1955-10 - Compliance with Distilled Spirits Bottling Standards
- Industry Circular 1955-13 - United States Court of Appeals (Second Circuit) Decision Affirming Administrative Suspension Order in a Tie-in Sales Case
- Industry Circular 1955-24 - Proposed Standards of Fill for Malt Beverages
- Industry Circular 1955-27 - Withdrawal of Liquors for Use on Aircraft Reciprocating Countries

Page last reviewed: July 17, 2015