REVISION OF FORMS 2056, 2057, 2058, 2059, 2060, 2621
Proprietors of bonded wine cellars, taxpaid wine bottling houses, and others concerned:
Purpose. This circular is being issued to advise you that Forms 2056, 2057, 2058, 2059, 2060 and 2621 are being revised to reflect bonded winery and taxpaid wine bottling house operations that are conducted and recorded in units of metric measure.
Background. Metric standards of fill for wine were adopted on January 1, 1975. Currently, bottlers of wine may use either U.S. or metric sizes, but beginning January 1, 1979, all bottled wine must con- form to the 7 metric standards of fill. A Treasury decision, T.D. ATF-26, effective July 1, 1976, will amend 27 CFR Part 240 to permit winery proprietors to maintain virtually all basic winery records in liters if they so desire. As a result, these forms are being revised to permit their maintenance in liters, wine gallons, or both; however, execution of these forms in liters or in wine gallons is left to the discretion of the proprietor. Required reports, inventories, and tax returns which are submitted to the regional direc- tor must continue to be executed using wine gallons.
Bonded wine cellars; forms being revised. The following forms for use at bonded wine cellars are being revised to reflect metric recordkeeping of winery operations. Primary changes are to the instructions on these forms and you may continue to use your cur- rent stock if you follow the revised instructions. All future reprints of these forms should conform to the 6/76 revisions.
Form 2056, Record of Still Wine; Form 2057, Record of Effervescent Wine; Form 2058, Special Natural Wine Production Record; Form 2059, Record of Distilling Material or Vinegar Stock; Form 2621, Record of Bottled Wine. You may execute these forms entirely in liters, entirely in wine gallons, or using both as appropriate (for example, recording transactions involv- ing bottled wine in liters, but recording transactions involving wine in bulk using wine gallons). A box is provided in the heading of each form to indicate whether the form is executed using only wine gallons, only liters, or using a mixture of both. If a form is executed using both liters and wine gallons, mark the heading of each column with either "L" or "WG" to indicate units used in that column. Use of the conversion factor 1 liter equals 0.26417 wine gallons will enable you to convert total liters to wine gallons for monthly summaries and for reporting entries on Form 702.
Tax-paid Wine Bottling Houses, Form 2060, Record of Wine Cases Filled. The instructions on Form 2060 are being revised to permit recording the bottling of wine in liters as well as wine gallons. They will in- struct you to enter the actual bottle size in column (d), size of bottle (for example, 4/5 QT, 750 ML, 3.0 L, GAL, etc.). Column (h) will be redesignated "TOTAL QUANTITY". On each line, entries in column (h), total quantity, must agree in units of measure (i.e., wine gallons or liters) with the bottle size entered in column (d), size of bottle. If, for example, the bottle size is 375 ML, the total quantity must be recorded in liters. For reasons of conversion for your records, you may use the factor 1 liter equals 0.26417 wine gallons.
Effective date. Proprietors of bonded wine cellars may begin to execute Forms 2056, 2057, 2058, 2059, and 2621 according to the revised instructions on July 1, 1976, the effective date of T.D. ATF-26. Proprietors of taxpaid wine bottling houses may begin to execute Form 2060 according to the revised instructions upon receipt of this circular since a regulatory change is unnecessary. You may modify your existing stocks of all of these forms to comply with the revised instructions. All future reprints should conform to the 6/76 revisions.
Availability of forms. The revised forms will not be automatically furnished to bonded wine cellars and taxpaid wine bottling houses. To obtain a supply of sample forms, submit a requisition on ATF Form 1600.1 to the distribution center at the following address:
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Distribution Center
3800 South Four Mile Run Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22206
Inquiries. Inquiries concerning this circular should refer to its number and be addressed to the Assistant Director (Regulatory Enforcement), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20226.

Rex D. Davis
GPO 906-407 |