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Electronic Export Certificate User Guide - Surrender

The Electronic Export Certificate System allows myTTB users to Surrender certificates that have been generated. Surrendering a certificate has three practical effects. First, the certificate may no longer be downloaded or printed. Second, although the certificate may still be viewed, once it is surrendered, the signature of the TTB official appearing on the certificate will be redacted, and a header indicating that the certificate has been surrendered will be added. Third, if someone tries to verify a surrendered certificate, they will see a screen indicating the certificate has been surrendered.

  1. To surrender a certificate, navigate to the Certificates section of the Electronic Export Certificate System main page and locate the certificate you wish to surrender in the export certificates database. Refer to the Managing Export Certificates section of this guide for information on searching for export certificates. Once you have identified the certificate you wish to surrender, select Surrender in the row where the desired certificate is listed.



  2. When you select Surrender, you will be asked to confirm that decision. Select Yes to do so. Once you have surrendered a certificate, you will not be able to undo that action. However, you may create a new certificate. Please note that surrendered certificates may no longer be accepted by foreign officials as part of the clearance of a shipment.



Last updated: January 9, 2023