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Request to have Records for Applications filed on Paper Linked to Your Account

Note: This page contains instructions and screenshots so you can see what to expect when using Permits Online, our online method of applying for a TTB permit, registration, or notice.

All records for applications filed on paper forms are available in Permits Online.  Once you have access, you may file amendments or add new permits, registrations, and notices electronically using Permits Online.

You must first submit a request to have those records linked to your account.  If you don't already have a Permits Online account you must register for one before submitting your request.  You must have signing authority or power of attorney for the business to gain access to the records.

Once your request is approved, you can find the records you've been given access to on the "My Submissions" page.  You will then be able to file amendments to these permits, registrations, or notices electronically through Permits Online.

Step-by-Step: Requesting Access

After logging in, on the Home page, select "Link additional records to my account."

Note:  You must submit a separate request for each EIN whose records you want to access.


Indicate that you have read and accept the Rules and Responsibilities by marking the box.  Select the "Continue" button.

Step 1: View contact information

The application contact information shown is your information.  You cannot request access for someone else.  TTB will contact the application contact if we have questions about the request.  



Step 2: Identify authority

You must have signing authority or power of attorney on file with TTB before we can give you access to existing permits, registrations, or notices.  Step 2 asks for the information we need to verify you have authority to access the records you seek.

If you do not already have either signing authority or power of attorney on file with TTB, we prefer that someone at the business with signing authority, file an amendment granting authority before you submit a request to have the records linked to your account.  If, however, this is not possible, you may attach documentation of authority in step 4.

Enter the EIN of the business whose records you have authority to access.  You must submit a separate request for each EIN.

Step 3: Confirm and add if applicable

If the information you have provided in step 2, matches exactly with what we have on file, you will be presented with a list of the records you have authority to access.  Review the list and determine if it is correct and complete.   

If you do not see a record you are looking for, answer "Yes" to the question "Do you need access to any other records for this EIN?"  Select the "Continue" button.


Select "Add a row" to identify each additional permit, registration, notice you wish to access to for this EIN.

Enter information in at least one field per row to help us identify the correct records.

If we do not find an exact match to the information you provide in step 2, you will not be presented with a list of records. In this case, select "Add a Row" and enter information in at least one field per row to help us identify the correct records.

Step 4: Upload documents

Most requests for access to paper records do not require you to upload any type of documentation.  If it is not possible for someone with signing authority to file an amendment granting you authority, you may execute and upload either TTB Form 5100.1, Signing Authority for Corporate and LLC Officials or TTB Form 5000.8, Power of Attorney, or other evidence of signing authority in step 4.

Step 5: Declare and acknowledge

Read the statement and check the box, if applicable.  Select the "Continue" button.

Step 6: Review

Review the information you provided.  You may go back and edit information by selecting the applicable step indicator button. If all is correct, select the "Continue" button.

Step 7: Submission Confirmation

Accessing the records from My Submissions

Most requests are auto-approved, unless we need to verify that you should have access to a record.  Once your request is approved, you may view the records by selecting the "My Submissions" button.

You may now file amendments to those records electronically through Permits Online. 



Go back to the Permits Online Help Center



Permits Online makes it easy for you to electronically apply for and update the permit, registration, or notice you need to operate a TTB-regulated business. Once you have registered to use Permits Online, just log in and follow the instructions and prompts for submitting your application package. There is no fee to apply.



For more information on the permit application process, contact the TTB National Revenue Center (NRC) toll-free at 877-882-3277 / 877-TTB-FAQS or submit an online inquiry.  For technical assistance about Permits Online see our TTB Online Help Center.

Tell us what you think.  We are always looking for ways to better serve you.  Please send us your comments.

Last updated: March 5, 2025
Maintained by: National Revenue Center