Completing TTB Form 5150.19
The paper version of TTB Form 5150.19 is submitted to Chief, Nonbeverage Products Laboratory, 6000 Ammendale Road, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-1250. The paper version contains a page of instructions and most of those instructions also apply to the electronic submissions. These instructions are provided here for your convenience.
Item #1 (Name of Article or Process in Which SDA Will be Used): Contains the specific or generic name of the article (product) manufactured or the manufacturing process in which the SDS will be used. If multiple articles will be produced or multiple processes are utilized, separate formulas will need to be submitted. There are limited exceptions to this rule. Please contact the Nonbeverage Products Laboratory for additional assistance. An example of an article name is Lovely Shine Hair Spray. An example of a manufacturing process is Groundwater Remediation.
Item #2 (Code Number): Contains a three (3) digit number found in 27 CFR Part 21 that corresponds to the type of article manufactured or the manufacturing process in which the SDS will be used. Each SDS formula has a list of code numbers. If a code number is not listed for a particular use, it may still be approvable. Please contact the Nonbeverage Products Laboratory if you don't see a code number listed for your particular article or process. An example of a code number is 111 for hair and scalp preparations.
Item #3 (Formula Is): Indicates whether the article or process is being submitted to TTB for the first time or if it has been approved by TTB in the past. Previously approved includes an approval for the submitter's current location, another manufacturing location of the submitter, or another company altogether.
Item #4 (If Previously Approved): Contains the name of the manufacturer who received TTB approval for the same article or process and the date of the approval. If the manufacturer has multiple locations, the specific location should be included.
Item #5 (Name and Address of Manufacturer): Contains the submitter's manufacturing address and a mailing address, if different from the manufacturing location. The manufacturing address needs to match the one on the industrial use permit. If needed, include an attention line to ensure that the correct person receives any paperwork returned by the Nonbeverage Products Laboratory.
Item #6 (Industrial Use Permit No.): Contains the industrial use permit number. This is the permit number issued by the National Revenue Center. If the permit application has been submitted and a number has not yet been issued, enter pending or applied for. An example of a permit number is SDS-MD-0000.
Item #7 (Purpose for Which This Product is to be Used): Should agree with the name or process in Item #1 or the intended final use. An example is hair spray.
Item #8 (Is the Product to be Packaged in Pressurized Containers?): Indicates whether the product will be packaged in pressurized containers. If so, the type of propellant and the ratio of propellant to concentrate needs to be included.
Item #9 (Sizes of Commercial Packages): Contains the size(s) of the container that the article will be packaged. If the article or process is for internal use, please state N/A.
Item #10 (Specially Denatured Alcohol or Rum Formula Used): Contains the SDA or SDR formula used. If SDA 29, 38-B, or 38-F is used, the denaturant(s) used must be stated.
Item #11 (Proof of SDA Used): Contains the proof of the purchased SDS or SDR.
SDS cannot be less than 185 proof and SDR cannot be less than 150 proof.
Item #12 (Is Specially Denatured Alcohol or Rum to be Recovered from the Manufacturing Process): Indicates whether SDS or SDR is to be collected for re-use or disposal. If so, the "Yes" box must be checked and the industrial user permit must show recovery operations.
Item #13 (State Formula/Process): Includes the identities and quantities of all ingredients. In addition, the following information is needed:
- Quantities must be labeled with the appropriate units.
- The total yield for the formula needs to be provided.
- When ranges are used, they must not exceed +/-5% of the target value (ex. +/-5% of 10 lbs. equals 9.5-10.5 lbs.).
- Water, colors/dyes, and pH adjusters may be used to q.s
- For processes other than simple mixtures, a detailed narrative description of the manufacturing process must be provided.
- When recovery is involved, the quantity, composition, and disposition of any SDS waste stream must be provided.
Item #14 (Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent): Contains the signature of the person who has signing authority or power of attorney.
Item #15 (Date): Contains the date that the person in Item #14 signed the form.
Item #16 (Person to be Contacted Concerning This Submission): Contains the contact information of the person who can answer questions related to the particular formula submission.