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Nonbeverage Products Laboratory



Presentations and Publications

Below are webinars and presentations; peer-reviewed publications; and technical presentations from the Nonbeverage Products Laboratory. Links to the source material or PDF are provided where available.

Webinars and Presentations

2016Formulas Online: Reducing Returns
Rachel Sanderoff
Webinar, September 2016
2015Formulas Online 101: Nonbeverage Alcohol Products
Rachel Sanderoff
Webinar, September 2015
2013Formulas Online: Dietary Supplements
Rachel Sanderoff
Webinar, September 2013
2013SDA Formulas Online
Tomika Moore
Webinar, September 2013
2012Formulas Online
Rachel Sanderoff
Webinar, January 2012
2012SDA Formulas Online
Tomika L. Moore
Webinar, September 2012
2011NPL News and Formulas Online
Janet Scalese and Rachel Sanderoff
102nd Annual FEMA Meeting, May 2011
2010Fit or Unfit – Eliminate the Uncertainty
Julie Arthur, Rachel Sanderoff, and Janet M. Scalese
Society of Flavor Chemists Meeting, November 2010
2008The Brighter Future of the TTB
Julie Arthur
Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), July 2008
2008Tasting, Certification, and Common Mistakes (Oh My!)
Rachel Sanderoff
Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), July 2008
2007The Brighter Future of the NPL
Julie Arthur
Society of Flavor Chemists Meeting, November 2007
2007Organoleptic Evaluation
Rachel Sanderoff
Society of Flavor Chemists Meeting, November 2007

Peer-Reviewed Publications

2021A Static Headspace GC-MS Method for Determination of Ethanol in Solid or Semi-Solid Consumer Goods
Ryan E. Sours and Dawit Z. Bezabeh
Food Analytical Methods (2021).
2021Simultaneous Quantification of Ethanol and Propylene Glycol in Nonbeverage Alcohol Products Using Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detection
Christopher M. Rollman, Racel K. Sanderoff, and Dawit Z. Bezabeh
Chromatographia (2021), 84, 97-102.
2000Liquid chromatographic determination of vanillin and related aromatic compounds
Eshwar Jagerdeo, Erin Passetti, Sumer M. Dugar
Journal of AOAC International (2000), 83, 237-240.

Technical Presentations

2018Headspace GC-MS determination of ethanol in nonbeverage alcohol products
Ryan E. Sours and Dawit Z. Bezabeh
69th Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition (Pittcon), Orlando, FL, February 26-March 1, 2018.
2016Updated methods for compositional and isotopic profiling of vanilla
Amanda Smith
Advances in Stable Isotopes Techniques and Application (ASITA), Philadelphia, PA, June 19-21, 2016.
2013Analysis of nonbeverage products using liquid chromatography
Vanessa R. Kinton, Angela C. Jefferson, and Janet M. Scalese
64th Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition (Pittcon), Philadelphia, PA, March 17-21, 2013.
2012Identification of volatiles in coffee extracts, essences, and distillates by HS-GC-MSD
Tomika L. Moore and Janet M. Scalese
43rd Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Baltimore, MD, May 31-June 2, 2012.
2011Analysis of vanilla extracts using UPLC-PDA detection
Vanessa R. Kinton, Angela C. Jefferson, and Janet M. Scalese
AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, September 18-21, 2011.
2011Analysis of flavor chemicals by simultaneous GC-MS and GC-FID
Vanessa R. Kinton, Edward R. Limowski, and Janet M. Scalese
62nd Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition (Pittcon), Atlanta, GA, March 13-18, 2011.
2010Chromatographic analysis of vanilla extracts
Vanessa R. Kinton and Janet M. Scalese
61st Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition (Pittcon), Orlando, FL, February 28-March 5, 2010.
2009Quantitation of flavoring agents in complex matrices
Vanessa R. Kinton, Edward R. Limowski, and Janet M. Scalese
238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 16-20, 2009.
2008Analysis of flavoring agents in alcohol based flavors
Vanessa R. Kinton, Edward R. Limowski, Tomika L. Moore, and Janet M. Scalese
59th Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition (Pittcon), New Orleans, LA, March 2-7, 2008.
2007Quantitative determination of propylene glycol and ethanol in nonbeverage products using gas chromatography
Rachel K. Sanderoff, Dawit Z. Bezabeh, and Janet M. Scalese
121st AOAC Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, September 17-20, 2007.
2005Application of headspace GC-MS method for quantitative determination of ethanol
Dawit Z. Bezabeh, Nancy J. Tang, and Janet M. Scalese
56th Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition (Pittcon), Orlando, FL, March 3, 2005.
2005Headspace GC-MSD analysis of denaturants in SDA products
Tomika L. Moore, Dawit Z. Bezabeh, and Janet M. Scalese
230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 28-September 1, 2005.
1997Simultaneous determination of piperine and capsaicin in cooking wines and spirits by HPLC
Janet M. Scalese and Christopher S. Jones
213th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13-17, 1997.





For more information about the TTB laboratories contact the Scientific Services Division or see the Laboratories section of our Contact Us page for additional contact information.


Last updated: May 1, 2024
Maintained by: Scientific Services Division